Jewelry Care Instructions

  • Clean regularly: 

Clean your silver jewelry regularly with a soft cloth and mild detergent. You can also use a specialized silver cleaning solution to remove tarnish.

  • Store properly: 

Store your silver jewelry in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight and humidity. You can also store it in a jewelry box or airtight bag to prevent tarnishing.

  • Avoid exposure to chemicals:

Avoid exposing your sterling silver jewelry to harsh chemicals, such as chlorine or bleach, as they can damage the metal.

  • Avoid exposure to water: 

Avoid exposing your sterling silver jewelry to water, as it can cause tarnishing and damage to the metal. It is best to remove your jewelry before showering or swimming.

  • Professional cleaning: 

If your jewelry has become heavily tarnished and cannot be cleaned by normal means, you can take it to a professional jeweler for cleaning.